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Mixed Media, 48x48 "

"Untitled" was done in collaboration with Mia Evert. This painting represents grace, strength, determination, and the joy that one can find in themselves when they choose to pursue love. This painting took months to create. Large pours of vibrant pigments done one layer at a time and Mia's intentional slow movements throughout this canvas dance to freedom, joy, and ultimately trust. It's learning to trust in something far better than you could have ever planned on your own. It's trusting in Him.

Mia lost her independence at a very young age in an accident. Over the years she has had to relearn how to walk, communicate, and move in a new way. Mia's joy radiates in everything that she does and it is truly contagious. She makes me appreciate the beauty in slowing down and noticing all the little things in life I take for granted. Tying my shoes, writing my name, saying my name, being able to feed myself, being able to call a friend, to brush my hair, to drive to my favorite restaurant, and the list goes on. She teaches me daily that we all have a choice. We decide how we respond to what life gives us. She has made the most beautiful story and I hope that you can see that in this painting.


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